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My name Is Alice, I'm just an ordinary 32 year old Mumma, fiancé and step Mumma from the Uk.

I have been a self employed lash technician for the last 7 years and have built a business and clientele from scratch.

However, since being a Mumma I found that I was having to choose to work and earn over spending the time that I wanted and needed with my family. Holidays became stressful when I should have been relaxing because if I didn't work I didn't earn and taking a week off (or any day off at that matter) filled me with worry and finacial stress!

So I knew that something HAD to change! I just didn't
want to constantly have Mum guilt all the time!

Taking the step into making money online has been the most incredible journey to come on! The community has welcomed me and everyone else in! The support is incredible and everyone wants everyone to succeed and do well! I am so grateful to be part of something so amazing surrounded with the most inspirational entrepuneurs. And I am helping others do the same! Helping other people who want to work for themselves to create the life that they desire Whilst doing the same for myself!

I am here to help and guide you to do the same!

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